

Just some sharing

Regular blogging has not been on my agenda lately, there is so much going on in my life at the moment that I cannot find the time or energy. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all  my followers for your kind support and comments, I want you to know that I greatly appreciate your support and I hope to be back posting more regular soon.

Thought I share pictures of my creations from the past couple of months, some of which have been sold in the craft fair.

Prayer Flag - Embrace Change

Altered flower pot Pin cushion

Primitive Peg Angels

Christmas Fairy

Merry Christmas Bird

Craft Fair

What a day it has been.... here is a quick video of my table at the fair.

The table was quite empty at the end of the day and I received some wonderful comments and feedback. My feet are hurting from standing up but all in all I can say it was worth it.