

Got to have them

You know what it is like when you find something that is so good that you can't live without it anymore.... well today I found it!

Have you heard of Lily Chilvers and her work at The Octopode Factory? I never had before today and I tell you... if you like different, humour and unique... I'm sure your will love it too.

Her work is available as digital stamps in her etsy store and I purchased some today - something I never thought I would use. Will show you soon what I made with it.

Wooohooo I found the place where you can buy the rubber stamps, it is lily's blog at Frilly Underware (love that name!). Just click on the link rubber stamps!


  1. Thanks for the link... I checked it out...can't wait to see what you come up with!!!

  2. Wow - her work is very cool. Thanks for sharing it with us. Theresa
