

Altered Dominoes

Every once in a while I do some 'Skype Crafting' with my friend Christine. She is in Canada and I am in the UK. We set a theme and play a couple of hours... sometimes interrupted by Skype disconnecting but most of the time we are just fine. It's a great way to meet up with international crafters ~smile~.

Anyway, a while ago we tried altering some dominoes... and here is what I did;

I used alcohol inks and tried some stamping on top, after I covered it with modpodge for protection. The stamping part was not very successful because I did not let it dry long enough. But this is just a start... I will try more. It was fun!

Just a quick note to let you know that The Stamp Man website
is open for business again. I've been helping Jill with the new website
and although we are still adding new products and pictures,
most of the new products are on!


  1. Those dominoes are great Caroline, the pendant is beautiful.

    I bet you have great fun skyping and crafting at the same time:)

    Huge thanks for all your help with the website, it is looking great, oh clever one:)

    Jill x

  2. I love that idea! :)
    And your dominoes are great!
    Hope you had a great weekend and will have a wonderful fall week ahead! Take care!

  3. Wow this is great! I love the pendant and the other dominoes are very pretty.
    Hugs xx

  4. Skype is a really great way to keep in contact and now add a fun way to craft. And the necklaces turned out great!
