

UFO part 2 and some good news

It's been a while since I posted, life has been too stressful... but finally I got the best news ever - all clear! After my mammogram I was called for a follow up appointment where they told me that they found a lump and I needed a breast biopsy to see what it was.

I've been in Limbo for a couple of weeks with in the back of my mind that my mother and sister had breast cancer. Such a relief when I finally got the result that it is all clear and nothing to worry about.

For all woman out there - make sure you check, double check and check again. Early detection can save life's!

Anyway on to crafting again. Thinking of family and the past I decided to finally finished another piece of my pile of UFO's... and altered frame and using a family photo.

I used a cheap wooden frame, added dark brown acrylic and let it dry. To create a crackle effect add  a layer of white glue and let it almost dry before adding a contrasting colour - mine is white - that will create the crackle. To finish it I painted to metal corners white and added the to the frame.

The photo I used is the only photo that exists of my grandparents. I have never known my grandfather, he died when my father was 4 years old making my grandmother a widow at 34 years old.

I stitched the photo on some calico fabric and added some black studs. the lace on the edge was my grandmothers which I hoarded it for years. The paper on the background is from the Be Mine collection by Echo Park.


  1. This is great news Caroline!
    Your frame is fabulous and what a lovely memory with your photo, it's great you have a picture of them.
    Love your corners and the lace inside.
    Hugs xx

  2. SOOO glad to hear you got the all clear Caroline!!!!

    Your frame is beautiful and a lovely family keepsake.

    Jill xxx

  3. Oh Caroline, so sorry you had to go through all that but what a huge relief for you, I am so glad you are clear.

    I just love this frame and the way you have displayed that gorgeous photo of your grandparents.

    Take care.

    hugs {brenda} xox

  4. Can you hear my sigh of relief...I know I can hear yours...
    I got a very special package today!
    Thank You so much!!!
    Love it!!! I could smell it through the plastic package...Yum!
    Big Hugs

  5. Congratulations to the good news!

    I love this piece of Art! Very lovely done.

    Take care!

  6. wish I had been able to be there for you glad to hear that it is good news...Beautiful project!
