

Holiday Impressions - Day 3

We moved on towards Devon and on our way visited a famous landmark called Durdle Door.

Durdle Door

And again we had to climb a steep hill... enough climbing now :)

Arriving at our destination we were surprised by the beauty of the bed and breakfast we are stying in. Tidwell Manor is a real manor house in Regency style, beautiful decorated rooms where you feel like royalty. I can strongly recommend this wonderful place with the beautiful garden and friendly owners.


  1. Oh I love climbing, the highest the better :)
    Your photos are lovely. Is that you on the first one? If so you look great and fit, not like me a couch potato!
    Have a lovely time.
    Hugs xx

    1. Climbing is ok in small dosis for me :) Yes it's me in the picture - fit.. hmmm I guess it was taken from a flattering angle. By now we have eaten so many lovely meals my jeans are much tighter LOL.

  2. I feel like I'm taking a mini sight seeing vacation/holiday with you....amazing sights...worth the climb.

  3. Trying to remember if the hills in Devon and Cornwall are much steeper than in Yorkshire? That hill looks very steep! Great for your leg muscles :)

    So pleased you are enjoying your holiday, it all sounds wonderful:)

    Jill x

  4. Oooh that Manor looks beautiful, I can imagine one of the ladies from the Brönte's books walking out of that door!
