

Prayer Flags

Inspiration for these prayer flags came from The Prayer Flag Project, a collective project spreading peace, good will and kindness, one flag at a time. How wonderful to create a small flag, hang it outside and let the universe embrace your prayer and pass it forward.

After rummaging I found some fabric, buttons, lace and other collected stuff and started my little project. There are no rules, you can sew, glue, stitch, stamp, stencil or draw and paint your flag to share your message. I think I found a new - addictive - crafting style :)


  1. What an amazing idea, and how beautiful your prayer flags are, Caroline - just lovely!
    Alison x

  2. Oh my these are just gorgeous Caroline and what a lovely idea. Yes I think you should do more of this style, it suits you.
    Thanks for your kind words on my new DT position, I really appreciate it.
    Have a great weekend.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  3. WOW, these are beautiful Caroline, what a wonderful idea and yes, it would be a great style to continue.

    Jill xx
