

Lavender and Rose Petals

We have a local 'Only Handmade' craft fair coming soon and I have collected all my courage and booked a table to sell some of my work. We all need some extra funds to keep our crafting going *smile*

To add to my collection are some Lavender and Rose Petal sachets. I have done some printing on fabric, stamping, sewing, crochet. I love these little projects!

 The rose speaks of love silently, 
in a language known only to the heart.

Rose Petal Sachets

Lavender, sweet lavender; come and buy my lavender,
hide it in your trousseau, lady fair.
Let its lovely fragrance flow Over your from head to toe,
lightening on your eyes, your cheek, your hair.
Cumberland Clark Flower Song Book 1929

Lavender Sachets


  1. These are absolutely exquisite, Caroline. I would definitely buy them. I'm sure you will do really well,

    Lucy x

  2. They are gonna sell like bread because they are so beautiful! Hope you make loads of money :))
    Hugs xx

  3. Wish I could come to your craft fair but I am too far away in Wales. I do hope it goes well for you. I just love what you have made. They are beautiful.

  4. These are just stunning Caroline and i am sure will sell out so quickly. Good luck with it.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  5. Lovely!! I hope you sell lots and ... who knows ... maybe you can quit your job and make the crafting business your profession :)

  6. No one makes these like you do...fabulous! Sold!
