

Make a wish

Peace Flags provide you with a special way to express some of the most important wishes of your heart. In words or pictures, you can display positive wishes for yourself, your family, friends, community, or the world. You may wish to convey something especially for one person (for example, health, success, prosperity) or affirm a concept you would like to see manifested in the world (for example, peace, cooperation, equality, understanding, compassion). (excerpt from Prayer Flag Project)

I just love the recycle *smile*. The flag I made this time has a little envelope where you can add a note with your wish. Whenever you feel like you need to express a new wish you can exchange the note. (The angel stamp I used is from Crafty Individuals).


  1. Another inspiring flag, Caroline - so elegant and pretty!
    Alison x

  2. This is so beautiful Caroline! How do you stamp on fabric? Do you need special ink? I love the pocket to add your message in it, lovely.
    I wish you a Happy New Year full of goodness.
    Hugs xx

  3. Yes another lovely inspiring flag is right! Just lovely. Hope all is going well for you so far this year too.
