

Holiday Impressions - Day 10

The final day started with rain but ended on a high. We visited Bath and I finally visited The Jane Austen Museum. Wow, what a wonderful place and everyone was so friendly, I learned so much about her life.

Afterwards we wandered around Bath... more walking ~smile~. Bath has a great city feel with street artists, museums, markets and great places to get a much needed coffee.

Jane Austen Museum

Caroline Austen

Look who I bumped into in the market!

Street Artist

Well... that was our last day on tour, tomorrow we are on our way back home. I think we are both ready for a rest :)


  1. Love the Caroline Austin look! Very pretty.
    I've learned many things about the region with your photos and posts.
    I need to slap myself because i still haven't posted your goodies! But hopefully tomorrow.
    Take care and have a safe journey tomorrow.
    Hugs xx

  2. Now to go home and have a holiday from your adventurous Holiday! Thanks so much for sharing it all with us!!!
