

Holiday Impressions - Day 9

It was certainly a different start to the day when I woke up this morning at 6am hearing a pumping noise and seeing flash lights. Curious as I am I went on our balcony to see if I could make out what was happening. Remember I just woke up and when I looked into the last window on the balcony I did not realise it was part of the room next door. I scared the hell out of the german woman who just looked up from her bed, she knocked on our door later to tell me that and that she was worried her hair looked awful. I assured her that I did not see anything he he.

Now then what had happened... there were 3 fire engines and about 10 fireman or maybe more. I went down and asked one of them what was going on... "a cottage fire" he said. When you look at the picture of the hotel from my post yesterday you can see a white cottage on the hill... well.. that one is gone now. According to the fireman it was owned by Kate Winslett, but how would he know :)

Anyway after the commotion we got on our way to Radstock (app. 8 miles from Bath) and stopped to see Stonehenge.


Stonehenge again

I guess they are Rooks.. though they are too big to be Crows.

Tomorrow we are off to wander around Bath.


  1. Another unique place to visit, loaded with history! Maybe the birds are ravens?

  2. Wow cool pics of the rooks on thr fence and stonehenge. I enjoy reading you holiday adventures. The castle you stayed in is awesome. I have never been to england but your pic make me want to go

  3. That was certainly an eventful start to your day!! What a shame about the cottage.

    So pleased you made it to Stonehenge and you look quite close to it.

    Have a great time in Bath tomorrow

    Jill x

  4. Bit too much excitement for one night, I'd say!
    Alison x

  5. Great pictures at Stonehenge. I hope no one was hurt in the fire.
    Love the birds on the fence.
    Hugs xx

  6. Amazing photos and the the three crows is just perfect!
