

Holiday Impressions - Day 7 & 8

Our destination on day 7 was Tintagel where you can find Tintagel Castle the legendary birthplace of King Arthur. When we approached our next base I was amazed by the size of it... and guess what the name of the hotel is, Camelot Castle, a magical place.
The hotel is right on the coast with breathtaking views. Ted Stourton, one of the owners, is an artist and much of his paintings can be admired all over the hotel. Upon request you can view his studio that is situated in the basement of the castle.
Camelot Castle Hotel  in Tintagel

Hotel Round Table :)

Again we went for a walk along the coast... steep and rocky paths:) I will be so fit by the time we come home... no chance of losing weight because the food is just too good.

Coastal path towards Tintagel Castle

Day 8 was filled with a visit to Port Isaac, the place from the popular tv series Doc Martin. In the afternoon we visited Boscastle, also a small village famous from the tv but for a complete different reason: Boscastle floods in 2004.

Port Isaac


Boscastle Witch :)

Tomorrow we will be on our way to the last destination Bath. Thank you everyone for enjoying this trip with us and for your wonderful comments!


  1. Breath taking is right...what a fabulous holiday you two are having.....and after 7 days I think it is time for the Bath....
    I know I'm so juvenile...(he - he)

  2. Such a beautiful place, I'll have to go there one day. The hotel is beautiful and I love the witch in front of the shop, very rare to catch one, lol
    Have a great day!
    Hugs xx

  3. Wow, it all looks totally wonderful, you have certainly planned a fantastic holiday!

    Jill x

  4. Unique place to stay! And the scenery is breathtaking indeed! *Iz jealous* :)
