

Holiday Impressions - Day 6

Today is the last full day at The Lizard and we decided to start the day with a visit to the National Seal Sanctury in Gweek, only a few miles from our hotel. Excellent call, we thoroughly enjoyed it! It is set in a lovely woodland area and we watched the feeding of the seals, penguins and sea lions. Next we saw a pair of otters building a nest.

 Penguins and me :)

Otter Pair

In the afternoon we walked along the coastal path. There were spots where the path was close to the edge and I was leaning landwards as I walked. We passed an observation point (Bass Point) and were invited in for a look around. Malcolm, the coastal lookout man on duty (a retired psycologist) and volunteer, showed us all the gadgets and instruments. It was a nice surprise and a good opportunity to have a rest :)

Coastal path

Malcolm in the watchtower

Tomorrow we continue our journey towards the north coast.

Thank you ladies for following us :)


  1. Awww the Penguins and Otters are so cute.
    This is a lovely place. Imagine how much fresh and pure air you are breathing!
    Have a great time tomorrow.
    Hugs xx

  2. What a gorgeous holiday you're having. Wish I was there! xx

  3. I've caught up with you! What a busy day you have had, but all wonderful.

    Wish I could be there too Junibears:)

    You've taken great photographs Caroline!

    Jill x

  4. Oh that bubble you can see the Penguins up close is so cool! Fantastic Photos!!!

  5. Awesome pic of the penguins and you! And it seems the weather gods are in your favour :)
